Dear Friends of Hope Home,
My apologies for the absence of newsletters in the last couple of months. So, this one maybe a little long. I will try and keep it brief, but will also attempt to fill you all in as best as I can. So, lets start with PRAISES: FEBURARY - APRIL: Five of our kids were successfully enrolled in boarding school. We had a few of our children coached (tutored) to help them get caught up for the new school year. Monthly needs for food and electricity, water and phone were met. As well as medical for Lydia with her prenatal visits and medication. Washing Machine is up and running! The remainder of children started school and all uniforms and materials were purchased. The package for Baby Benjamin arrived safely! Thank you Most school fees have been paid in full. Joshua from Farming Gods Way got married early February Hope Home was able to turn Maize into flour and use it for nutrition at Hope Home NEEDS AND PRAYER: Continued support for medial needs and Lydia’s upcoming (hopefully April 26th) delivery of Baby Benjamin They are in need of more Cortisone cream Arthur and Lydia are in need of some basic baby needs as Benjamin grows Pray for Rebecca, she has left Arthurs farm and we have no idea of her where about Later part of February there was a back up in their bathroom area. Pray for no future issues The chicken eggs production has gone down. There is a new neighbor who has a business which makes a lot of noise in the alley, this stresses the chickens and production is down. However, they are still producing enough that the kids have protein and the chicks are able to pay for their feed. The children’s next holiday is April 26th - May 26th. This coincides with the arrival of Baby Benjamin and juggling all 19 children at the orphanage. I’m tired just thinking of it! As you can see, there has been a lot of activity at Hope Home! We have been blessed since partnering with Calvary Chapel Old Towne. The Hope Home Family of supporters has expanded, and because of all of you, Hope Home continues to thrive and grow. There are a few exciting things in the works. First, and foremost, Baby Benjamin arrival is estimated for tomorrow the 26th!!!! Second, Pastor Dave Johnson, from Calvary Chapel Old Towne, has been working with Arthur to see what needs to be done to attain additional land to build a school, church and possibly medical facility. This is all in the very early stages of communication. Once there is more information gathered we can then discuss raising funds for Arthur’s heart in serving and caring for more hurting homeless children in Uganda. Pastor Dave has also put together a missions group. Lord willing they will be heading out to Hope Home this July. They will be working on a few projects. For example, the farm needs to be readdress and cleaned up again for another harvest. There are also projects to be addressed at the orphanage itself. Specifically, looking at the logistics of moving Arthur, Lydia and Baby Benjamin across to another room and opening their existing room for additional bunks. Arthur has always wanted to add more children but there has been no room. So this will be a chance to work with their existing space and expand the orphanage. Should any of you be interested in partnering with these upcoming projects, please feel free to message me privately and I will gladly expand and share how your prayers and financial support can be used. As always our deepest thanks to all of you for your continued love and support to Hope Home. I have attached Arthurs last two newsletters for your review. God Bless, Fabi Harris
AuthorArthur is the director of Hope Children's Home in Uganda. Fabi Harris is the US based assistant director and support services for Hope Children Home Uganda. ArchivesCategories |